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14.05.2020 Lecture / Lezione (IT) within the specified course

Обновлено: 2 июн. 2020 г.

Номінативні характеристики європейської та вітчизняної антикорупційної культури як методологічний інструментарій їхнього осмислення

On May 14, 2020, the Project Coordinator, Associate Professor O. Makarenkov, held another scheduled on the topic "Nominative characteristics of European and national anti-corruption culture as methodological tools for their understanding". Through the Internet on the Zoom VCI platform, listeners were able to listen the questions regarding the initial nominations of anti-corruption legislation, its transformations and application practices; their legal-technical, semaseological, extralinguistic and other formal-legal features in the relevant profile legislation of the Slovak Republic, the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of Croatia; intertextual connections with metatext of both legislative documents and acts of law enforcement. During the discussions, answers were found on possible options for overcoming differences in interpretations of legal norms and their unification, aimed at achieving European standards of integrity in public law relations. The lecturer also identified ways to unify the provisions of domestic regulations with the relevant norms of the EU, which have the highest corruption perception index intolerance (CPI). He also spoke about the elimination of destructive factors of psycholinguistic and other nature that affect the effectiveness of anti-corruption activities in Ukraine. The range of these issues started from the stage of engaging experts for this work to conduct anti-corruption expertise of legislation drafts (law, bylaw etc.) and ended with the execution of decisions in cases of corruption. Gratitude to management of ZNU, Erasmus+ EU Programme, Google, LLC і Zoom Video Communications, Inc. for support.

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