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May 21, 2020 Classes / Vorlesung (DE)

Обновлено: 2 июн. 2020 г.

On May 21, 2020, the Project Coordinator, Associate Professor O. Makarenkov, held regular scheduled lecture within the specified course on the topic "Nominative characteristics of European and national anti-corruption culture as methodological tools for their understanding". Through the Internet on the Zoom VCI platform, students were able to listen the interpretation and application of anti-corruption rules of the law on gifts, public and private interest, non-economic components of private interest, real conflict of interest, specially authorized entities and whistleblowers in the field of anti-corruption, etc. Among other things, the students discussed with the lecturer the problems of efficiency and effectiveness of the institution of declaring income by public officials. They pointed out that the declaration first appeared in the United States in 1965 and had been introduced in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland since the late 1970s.

Problems with the implementation of anti-corruption standards in the Republic of Poland, Hungary and Romania were also revealed. In particular, it was noted that among these countries, Hungary is the slowest to implement the recommendations of the Council of Europe in the person of its specialized body GRECO (The Group of States against Corruption) on standards of integrity in public authority. It is currently showing the least effectiveness of the prosecutor's office in providing procedural guidance in prosecuting corruption offenses and upholding public prosecutions in court, but, simultaneously, the level of bribery among police officers is declining. As a result of the lesson and to meet the requirements of the Program, its quality was monitored and the tasks to be performed by the students were determined.

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